Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2 years...

I have to go to work in approx. 10 min, and I still need to gel my hair and get work clothes on. I'm pretty sure only one person is going to read this, somebody who blogs alot more then I do, but maybe they will appreciate this :)
Do I have anything to blog about? maybe. Can I think of it at the moment? nope. I work at a theater, I have one major fault, and my hair looks ugly when it's ungelled. Which is why i'm going to gel it. So it looks hAwTT. I love tobuscus, I text often, and admire my muscles even though I never work out. I play video games for fun, and i'm often one of the best on my team, but i'm nowhere near being pro like some guys. I love technology and wish I was more motivated to learn programming and HTML(once learned even CSS[{doesn't always work, the host is stupid}] but i've forgotten most of it sadly. I really have to go now, it's been nice seeing you again.