Sunday, January 25, 2009

Halo 3 party

So on Friday the 23rd, I went over to my friend Roberts house with my other friends, Tim and Adrian. We went over there, and Robert already had an Xbox 360 set up with Halo 3, and an Xbox with Halo 2. We played some Halo 2, however because we couldn't play with all six people on Halo 3, we linked the two and played Halo 3 with 6 people. Later in the night, a guy came over that owned two Xbox 360's and two copies of Halo 3. We were going to play Halo 2, however we didn't have enough copies of it, so we couldn't. Instead we used the three 360's and played Halo 3 together. There were eleven people, and it was probably the most fun I have ever had. All eleven people on one game, I have never played Halo 3 with that many people so it was so fun.
It was really funny when the people in the other room started yelling at Robert because he was doing so good, and kept killing them. My favorite game was probably the one called Influential VIP on the map Construct. It was cool, because whoever was around the player that was randomly chosen as VIP was almost invincible, and invisible. It was really funny, because I was VIP most of the time, so I didn't have to go and try to kill the other VIP. The way to get points was to kill the enemies VIP, so people had to protect their own VIP.
I think that is the best I can say about it, but I think it was so awesome, I can hardly wait to hear news that another one is happening.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Next post

I don't know what to post, any ideas? I was thinking about talking about Halo PC and CE like I did with Tribal Wars, but I haven't really been in the same mood since then. So give me some ideas please?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Giga Pixel

A long time ago, when I was about 13-14(OK, not that long ago), I was going to get my haircut, but I had to wait. So I picked up a magazine that wasn't about fashion and boring girl stuff, which was some technology magazine. As I was picking through it, I found this article about a man who had collected used stealth airplanes camera parts, and some how, some way, created a camera that was a giga pixel camera. He can use this camera to take pictures of things and then zoom in on them, and still have a clear picture at about 2% of the picture! It is amazing! In one picture he took, it is of San Diego's beach at night, as seen from Coronado Island and you can clearly see at least 12 large offices or hotels. He then zooms into his image, not the camera, until he can almost crystal clear into the fifteenth floor, and a lamp standing inside it. I should just stop talking about it, and you should start visiting it: The GigaPxl Project. From this link, you can go to the gallery, or to the technology they use, or to the project that the man is trying to complete with his super camera. I hope you enjoy looking at these amazing pictures.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tribal Wars

Tribalwars: OK, so in Tribalwars, I have two worlds that I am in. World 16 and 30. World 16 is my first world that I ever nobled a village in, which means getting a new village. You start out with one village, with about 100 points and then later in the game when your village is about 3000 points, you build an Academy and train a noble, which can reduce the loyalty of a village until you capture it and take it. You can take a barbarian village, which just sit there and create resources, or take another players village; which is more of a challenge because there are usually enemy troops in there, however those usually have more points and give you better chances of survival by taking out an enemy, especially if its an enemy of your tribe.
Tribes are another thing, usually you start out by yourself, however every player has the option to start their own tribe and some are better leaders then others, so those tribes rise to the top. I am currently in W16(W=World, K=Continent; which is a square of the world's map, and tribes usually try to only invite within their own K, because the farther you are, the longer support or attacks take to arrive.), and my tribe is -ex- which is really Glory. It's called ex because we used to be the top members of a tribe called Uchih@, which was an OK tribe, however our leader like peace a little bit too much. Then a player that had gotten privileges in the tribe to kick and ban people from it, kicked all the top people. He was kicked by the main leader in turn however, many of the members decided we didn't like his tribe. We nobled almost all of his villages, and then he quit seeing as how he was doomed.
Another thing is troops. When you start out, all players have beginner protection for about 5 days. When you first build a barracks, you see you can only train spear men, and when you build your smithy, you can train swordsmen, and then research axe men, and later on get a stable and research scouts, and light and heavy cavalry. Later then that is the workshop, where you can build after researching, catapults and rams to take down your enemies walls and buildings. In some worlds there are also archers and mounted archers, which are just bonus troops. Also in some worlds are paladins, strong units that can obtain special items for bonuses to your troops.
Overall a fun MMORPG with lots of disappointments, variables, and cool features. I definitely recommend trying it out.

First post

So this is my first post. It's cool.