Sunday, January 11, 2009

Giga Pixel

A long time ago, when I was about 13-14(OK, not that long ago), I was going to get my haircut, but I had to wait. So I picked up a magazine that wasn't about fashion and boring girl stuff, which was some technology magazine. As I was picking through it, I found this article about a man who had collected used stealth airplanes camera parts, and some how, some way, created a camera that was a giga pixel camera. He can use this camera to take pictures of things and then zoom in on them, and still have a clear picture at about 2% of the picture! It is amazing! In one picture he took, it is of San Diego's beach at night, as seen from Coronado Island and you can clearly see at least 12 large offices or hotels. He then zooms into his image, not the camera, until he can almost crystal clear into the fifteenth floor, and a lamp standing inside it. I should just stop talking about it, and you should start visiting it: The GigaPxl Project. From this link, you can go to the gallery, or to the technology they use, or to the project that the man is trying to complete with his super camera. I hope you enjoy looking at these amazing pictures.

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