Thursday, September 15, 2011

New video idea

So i just got an app for blogging on my android, should make things lots easier and maybe i will blog more!

So a couple seconds ago i had this idea to make a video of me with this really awesome tiki mask on talking to this shrunken head thing. Itd be really funny but i'd need to be in a pretty flag and funny mood to be able to improv alot of funny lines, that or write a script which would be interesting. Ima sleep now peace!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2 years...

I have to go to work in approx. 10 min, and I still need to gel my hair and get work clothes on. I'm pretty sure only one person is going to read this, somebody who blogs alot more then I do, but maybe they will appreciate this :)
Do I have anything to blog about? maybe. Can I think of it at the moment? nope. I work at a theater, I have one major fault, and my hair looks ugly when it's ungelled. Which is why i'm going to gel it. So it looks hAwTT. I love tobuscus, I text often, and admire my muscles even though I never work out. I play video games for fun, and i'm often one of the best on my team, but i'm nowhere near being pro like some guys. I love technology and wish I was more motivated to learn programming and HTML(once learned even CSS[{doesn't always work, the host is stupid}] but i've forgotten most of it sadly. I really have to go now, it's been nice seeing you again.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

10th post!

I had to post it this month!! It's the tenth month! sadly I missed the tenth day by twelve days. :(

Monday, August 31, 2009


Okay for this post, I am going to put some music I like. If you don't like it I am sorry. It's my music :p
I like the band Shinedown, my favorite songs are Call Me and Sound of Madness.
A song I like, but not necessarily the band, is Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance.
Rev Theory - Far From Over
Green Day - 21 Guns
I wonder....
Never mind just look at my play list. Those are my songs.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Haven't been on here in a while, so I figure talking about my work will be a sufficient makeup for it right? Oh of course I am right, it's my blog haha.
I work at Swiss Precision landscaping, which is owned and operated by my good friends, Tim and Adrian, father. So that was a nice in. I worked there last year in the nursery, weeding and watering. It wasn't too bad. This year Mr. Eidam(thats the boss' name) said he wants me to just help out wherever needs me. So far that is on Monday's-Wednesday's I do jobs at other house, like weed there, make new flowerbed's, plant flowers, we also were building this fence for this guy in Island Park. So all sorts of stuff. And also every Saturday he has me coming back to the nursery to help out there, weed, water, sorting plants, whatever needs to be done. Mr. Eidam is a really great guy, and knows what he wants done. I am glad I am working there, even if I am still getting paid minimum wage. I think this summer will definitely be a great one. 
Another thing real quick is something totally crazy happened to me just a little bit ago which I never thought would happen to me, and I am not even sure if it actually did,  but I am just hoping I can do the best I can with it. FYI it's positive. But boy it seems like I got a really nice hand of cards, and all I have to do is be patient and play the right ones at the right time. Mostly I need to be really patient, because maybe I am wrong and I don't have these cards. Danno. Oh well it's good to be alive and kicking and happy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Valentines Day and stuff

So this is kind of late for a valentines post but whatever. So this valentines I actually got one!! Can you believe it? Yeah it's crazy. So her name was Sarah, and she asked me after Friday school one day. The next week, on the day before valentines, I gave her this box of chocolates, but then I felt bad because she went all out and made this really cool bottle called haert burn medication and had these funny things on the paper like side effects are over indulgence in flirting, extreme feelings of love, stuff like that. It was so cool! I think she was really nice to give me something like that. Then in Tim's car, Celeste had blown up all these balloons(losing a brain cell in the process so she tells me), and then had a note for Tim it was so cool. She had a note for me too, it was nice and not over thought, just a one liner. I felt bad for Tim that he had to read this huge note. Yeah and then the dance was a really fun dance except I didn't have any fun because I didn't get a chance to dance with a ton of the girls I wanted to. I didn't even dance with Celeste even once really, I was so mad at my self for not dancing with my best friend more! I didn't even get to do that fun dance Celeste made up, it made me so sad. So that pretty much sums the whole thing up.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cats are so funny

We have these live mouse traps in our kitchen, and whenever we catch one, my mom hears it and tells me to get rid of it. So I go out side and open it up right beneath the mouth of one of our dogs. Today that happened. The dogs don't kill it instantly either, they like to flip it about and it's pretty cool. Well later in the after noon, one of our puppies got ahold of the dead mouse and was gnawing at it. We didn't want it to get disease, so with gloves on, I pulled the thing out of the puppies mouse and put it on top of a ladder leaning against our house, where the puppies wouldn't be able to get it. Then I picked up a cat and put it right by the mouse so it could eat it and be happy. It carried it off, but then it didn't like the fact that it just sat there dead, so it starts using both its claws and flipping it about, it was pretty funny. A little later, I see the cat again. It probably lost its mouse somewhere, I don't know. It walks around and then finds the ladder again. It climbs up the ladder and then sniffs where the mouse used to be, and starts scratching at where I put it right in a corner. I thought it was really funny watching it scratch right there.