Sunday, February 22, 2009

Valentines Day and stuff

So this is kind of late for a valentines post but whatever. So this valentines I actually got one!! Can you believe it? Yeah it's crazy. So her name was Sarah, and she asked me after Friday school one day. The next week, on the day before valentines, I gave her this box of chocolates, but then I felt bad because she went all out and made this really cool bottle called haert burn medication and had these funny things on the paper like side effects are over indulgence in flirting, extreme feelings of love, stuff like that. It was so cool! I think she was really nice to give me something like that. Then in Tim's car, Celeste had blown up all these balloons(losing a brain cell in the process so she tells me), and then had a note for Tim it was so cool. She had a note for me too, it was nice and not over thought, just a one liner. I felt bad for Tim that he had to read this huge note. Yeah and then the dance was a really fun dance except I didn't have any fun because I didn't get a chance to dance with a ton of the girls I wanted to. I didn't even dance with Celeste even once really, I was so mad at my self for not dancing with my best friend more! I didn't even get to do that fun dance Celeste made up, it made me so sad. So that pretty much sums the whole thing up.